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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Have you Prepared a Back-up of your Blog?

What is Back Up of a Blog?
According to Wikipedia,

                "The process of backing up refers to making copies of data so that these additional copies may be used to restore the original after a data loss event."

Do I need a Back up of my Blog?
I have heard of many bloggers who have lost their data with or without notice.
By data i mean all those efforts of many months sitting on your computer typing endlessly in order to earn some respectable earnings. When you are hosting for FREE on Blogspot or Wordpress or any other platform you are dependent on your web hosting providers. If you are reported (even if you are innocent) due to any reason than you might loss your data forever.

My advice to all my fellow bloggers is to always prepare a back up of your blog data so that even if you loose your blog you might not able to import your blog to a new web address or any other hosting solution.

I try my best to prepare a back up of all my blog (3 in number presently) so that I may not lose my beloved blog.


Yaro Starak from BlogMastermind (who teaches people how to make a full time income from blogging part time) says:

Let me tell you a story about Steve. Steve is a niche blogger. He set up lots of little blogs on all kinds of topics (niches) aiming to make a few dollars from each blog by placing Google AdSense advertisements on them. Google pays you when someone clicks on the ads.

After a few months he did really well and built up his income. None of his blogs had a lot of traffic, but they got enough from search engines that each blog earned between $1 and $10 per day.

In total he earned over $2,000 per month from his blogs – not a bad effort.

One day he turned on his computer and all his blogs had gone. Disappeared. Vanished without a trace…

What happened?

He was using one account to manage his blogs and determined that what he was doing was violating their terms of service.

They thought all his blogs were what are called “splogs” or SPAM blogs.

Splogs are blogs set up to get traffic to other sites. They are usually automatically generated and the owners have no intention of producing a useful website – they just want to get traffic. They are the SPAM of the blogging world.

Steve contacted the support staff at to explain that his sites were not SPAM sites but it was difficult to convince them and he never got his blogs reactivated. Overnight he lost his regular $2,000 per month income in one hit.


This story is an excerpt from Blogprofits Blueprint. (You can see this bok in the list of free blogging ebooks)
How to Prepare a Back up of your Blog?

To export your blog, simply click Export Blog from the Settings
Basic tab.

Finally, click the Export Blog button. You blog will be stored as a Blogger export file (.xml) file which can be kept as a backup on your hard drive or imported into another blog.

Note: Exported blogs are not deleted from your dashboard or

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